myFlix Documentation

myFlix is a web application that enables the user to search all things movie/television related; including titles, release year, actors, directors, and genre. Users have the ability to sign up to myFlix, as well as cater thier own list of movie/television shows to watch.

Request URL HTTP Method Response
Return a list of all movies to the client /movies GET a JSON object containing data about all movies
Return data (description, genre, director, image URL, whether it’s featured or not) about a single movie by title to the user /movies/:title GET a JSON object containing data about a single movie title
Return data about a genre (description) by name/title /movies/genre/:genreName GET a JSON object containing data about a genre
Return data about a director (bio, birth year, death year) by name /movies/director/:directorName GET a JSON object containing data about a director
Find all users /users GET a JSON object containing data about all users
Allow new users to register /users POST a JSON object containing data that was entered including Username, Password, Email, Birthday, and FavoriteMovies (optional)
Access user information by username /users/:username GET a JSON object containing data on the username that was searched
Allow users to update their user info (username) /users/:username PUT a JSON object containing updated user information for selecter user
Allow users to add a movie to their list of favorites (showing only a text that a movie has been added) /users/:username/movies/:movieID POST a JSON object that contains data on the user and the newly added favorite movie ID
Allow users to remove a movie from their list of favorites (showing only a text that a movie has been removed) /users/:username/movies/:movieID DELETE a JSON object that contains data on the user without the movie ID that was removed
Allow existing users to deregister (showing only a text that a user email has been removed) /users/:username DELETE a text message stating that the account has successfully been deleted